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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Ranoc - The Classical Races

     In my Ranoc Muskets-and-Magery Renaissance Fantasy setting, I have a number of races present, including the classical fantasy races (Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc), several classical fantasy races that are not always considered playable or generally reserved for NPCs (Centaur, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Lizardfolk (renamed to Mohani), Minotaur, Ogre, Orc), and a few races that are either variations of non-classical races (Aeralon, a winged human variant; Vulptens, a fox-type canine race) or original creations of my own (Orfs, an Orc-Elf hybrid race).             Below, I detail the classical races of Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, and Orc

0 points
Average Height: 5' 6".
Average Weight: 125 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 16 years.
Average Lifespan: 80 years.

     Humans are not the most numerous race on Ranoc (that distinction goes to the goblins), nor are they the most powerful individually (many more races are physically more powerful). What gives humans their distinctive place as the dominant race of Ranoc are the following factors: Humans are prolific, aggressive, organized, and adaptable.
     Humans are among the most prolific races in the world; only the goblins and vulptens are known to be more prolific. Their relatively short gestation period and their propensity to occasionally have multiple births for most of their lifespan allow humans to have large families. In addition, some human nations allow for polygamous relationships; humans in those nations occasionally have more than one spouse.
     Humans are also among the most aggressive races. They are not as aggressive as the orcs, but more aggressive, on average, than the elves, dwarves, and halflings. Note that "aggressive" does not necessarily mean "nasty", as there are good and evil humans of all sorts. Human aggression is best expressed by desire; humans, both individually and in groups, tend to be the types to go after what they desire when they desire it.
     On top of these two factors, humans are organized. Social creatures by nature, humans tend to work well in groups. Ages ago, when humans were still primitive tribals no better than the savage Umojan races, humans discovered that working together for a common goal enabled them to achieve it better than working apart. In addition, humans have a long history of creating organizations that outlived its founding members by several generations.
     Perhaps the one thing that goes overlooked as far as humans go is that they are also highly adaptable. This does not mean that they adapt physically – a human tossed overboard at sea will not develop gills to breathe water, nor will he grow webbing between his fingers and toes; a human tossed overboard is likely food for the sharks. Human adaptability is one of mental adaptability. Humans can easily wrap their minds around almost any concept, and interact well with such diverse peoples as Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Vulptens, and Kobolds. According to the dogma of the priests of Galsus, it is this adaptability that made them his favorite race. The dogma of the Church of the One True God in Redwater claims this – not the other reasons listed above – is why humans will inherit the planet from the other races.

20 points
Average Height: 4' 6".
Average Weight: 165 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 30 years.
Average Lifespan: 200 years.

Attribute Adjustments: ST +1 [10]; HT +1 [10].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM -1; Basic Move -1 [-5].
Advantages: Absolute Direction (Accessibility: Underground Only, -30%) [4]; Artificer 1 [5]; Extended Lifespan 1 (×2) [2]; Magic Resistance 2 (Improved, +150%) [10]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Resistant to Poisons (+8) [5].
Perks: No Hangover [1].
Disadvantages: Duty (to Clan; 9) [-5]; Honesty (9) [-15]; Increased Consumption -1 [-10].
Quirk: Likes Strong Alcohol [-1].

     Dwarves are short, stocky humanoids who possess dense muscles and hearty constitutions. They stand on average around four and a half feet tall, never exceeding five feet, with dark complexions. Their eye and hair colors match human norms. They live around two hundred years on average. They are also naturally resilient to magic. If they have a fault, it is their love of food and beautiful things.
     Almost all Dwarves are master craftsmen, whether it be working with ordinary metals, precious metals, stonework, precious and semi-precious stones, or woodwork. Each item made is a work of art, even if that item is just the wooden frame shoring up the mine wall to keep it from collapsing.
     All Dwarves take pride in their beards; even the females have been known to grow them. All beards are well-groomed, often braided and/or decorated with beads, gold, silver, gems, or ivory.
     While most believe that Dwarves live under the ground, that is not the case. The cities of Ered-Dûm in the Wyrmspire Mountains are built in valleys between the mountains, not under them. Dwarves are comfortable under the ground, however, and never lose their direction when deep in the mines.

     The first thing Dwarves are taught is their duty to their Clan. In dwarven societies, even those living in non-dwarven nations, the Clan supersedes national interests. To emphasize this, they are taught to obey the law, with emphasis on the Clan's laws. A dwarf is bound to his Clan – to betray the Clan is almost inconceivable. A dwarf is simply 'not a dwarf' if he does not have a Clan, and neither is he the same dwarf if he switches Clans. Dwarves have honor and pride in three things: their Clan, their work, and their beards.
     A dwarf's beard is another point of honor: a dwarf would rather lose his hand than his beard, and tugging or pulling on a beard is a deadly insult and often the start of the not uncommon drunken duel. While females tend to be more level-headed, if an insult on one's honor occurs between them it is not unheard of for a female dwarf to maliciously shave another's beard while they sleep.
     Dwarves are not, despite some stereotypes, particularly warlike in nature, nor are they overly surly. They are welcoming, if wary, to strangers, but have a law of hospitality that extends to all guests, especially in times of great need. They love a good tale, fellowship, feasts, and ales, and a traveler taking shelter will find himself much more welcome if he can provide a good story on a long night.
     They tend to be secretive about their work – whether it is art, armor, or other items. They take enormous pride in their work, and are very shrewd about selling it, knowing very well how prized good dwarf craftsmanship is. They are usually honest, and tend to punish thieves or troublemakers very harshly. A merchant will always be dealt with openly: however, this doesn't mean the prices won't be steep!
     Dwarves are not an especially 'conquering' race; they are practical minded, and tend more to be greedy over mining rights then anything else. While Dwarves are content with their caves and their valleys, and have no particular urge to expand, other cultures have, in the past, made the mistake of trying to take their land from them. A dwarf can and will fight ferociously in defense of their homeland, Clan, or other property.

25 points
Average Height: 5' 9".
Average Weight: 90 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 120 years.
Average Lifespan: 640 years.

Attribute Adjustments: ST -1 [-10]; DX +1 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: HP +1 [2].
Advantages: Acute Hearing 3 [6]; Eidetic Memory [5]; Extended Lifespan 3 (×8) [6]; Subsonic Hearing [5]; Ultrahearing [5].
Disadvantages: Callous [-5]; Extra Sleep -2 [-4]; Hidebound [-5].

     Elves are humanoids, similar in stature and appearance to humans. They are more slender, however, with large, pointed ears. They are able to hear noises far outside the range of others, well into the subsonic and ultrasonic ranges.
     Elves live for an average of six centuries. Legends and myths from long ago indicate they were once immortal, but this may be anything from elvish arrogance to misconceptions by the other pre-historic peoples.
     Because of their longer life spans, elves must sleep on average ten hours a day.

     Most elves find it hard to develop relationships with shorter-lived beings. Occasionally, marriages between humans and elves have occurred, producing half-elves, although these have become rare of late. The most successful inter-racial friendships that elves have established have been with Dwarves, as that race is longer-lived than humans.
     Elves are patient, generally thinking long-term. They are also clever, resourceful, and more often than not ruthlessly Machiavellian. Their long lives make them very patient, and they are willing to make almost cold-hearted sacrifices if it will profit in the long run. They are, in fact, more warlike then their reputation suggests, and while most will try to prevent damage to nature, forestland, etc, they will not hesitate to make war on others if deemed necessary.
     Many elves have developed a rather dry, cynical personality and occasionally a black sense of humor, due to their being such a long lived race. They are often arrogant when dealing with shorter lived races, like the humans, and have no problem in dealing mercilessly with them.  This often extends to their treatment of others who are also long-lived, including the Dwarves and often other elves.
     Elves have a love of the arts, in much the same way that Dwarves love their craft. Song, dance, and art are all highly valued, and any bard traveling through elven lands will be treated with the highest respect – provided they can carry a decent tune. Elves love beauty, fine clothes, and fine singing, and will sometimes go out of their way to acquire an exceptional work of art.  Because they can hear in ranges outside the human norm, their own music will occasionally venture into these areas; a human listening to an elven musical masterpiece may wonder about lengthy stretches of seeming silence that elves will listen intently to.

35 points
Average Height: 5' 8".
Average Weight: 125 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 16 years.
Average Lifespan: 100 years.

Attribute Adjustments: DX +1 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: Per +1 [5].
Advantages: Acute Hearing 2 [4]; Longevity [2]; Ultrahearing [5].
Perks: Deep Sleeper [1].
Disadvantages: Extra Sleep -1 [-2].

     Originally just the offspring between humans and elves, the half-elves of Ranoc have bred true to almost become a race of their own. Most half-elves alive today are descended from other half-elves. In fact, the nation of South Ford was settled by half-elves escaping the prejudices of their human and elf ancestors.
     Half-elves have some of the traits of their elf ancestors. They have pointed ears, although they are not as large as those of the elves. They can hear sounds of a higher pitch than humans, but not the lower-pitched noises the elves can. They age slower than humans, but are not nearly as long-lived as the elves; most half-elves will reach an age of around 150 years before succumbing to old age.
     Because of their ancestry, half-elves need to sleep on average nine hours a day, as opposed to the standard eight from humans or the ten of the elves.

     Half-elves possess many of the same qualities as their human ancestors, being social creatures with intense desires. They have much of the patience of their elf ancestors, but this is tempered with the reality of their shorter lifespan.  Hence, most of them are not as ruthless as their elven kin.
     Most half-elves are also consciously aware of the fact they generally don't fit into either human or elf societies, although the humans are in general more trusting of them than the elves.

25 points
Average Height: 3'.
Average Weight: 30 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 16 years.
Average Lifespan: 100 years.

Attribute Adjustments: ST -4 [-40]; DX +2 [40].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM -2; HP +4 [8]; Basic Move -1 [-5].
Advantages: Catfall [10]; Flexibility [5]; Longevity [2]; Perfect Balance [15].
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Workaholic [-5].

     Halflings are short, averaging three to three and a half feet tall in height, with human proportions. They are nimble and flexible; many are good with their hands. They have a natural sense of balance, enabling them to always land on their feet from any fall taller than themselves, and giving them the ability to walk across the narrowest beams without losing their footing.

     Halflings are well aware of their small size when compared to almost everyone else. Many halflings admit to feelings of inferiority when working with the "Big Folk", as they tend to call humans, elves, and others who are generally larger than them (which is nearly everyone except kobolds and goblns). These feelings often drive them to be twice as brave or clever as their larger friends. They are social creatures, preferring to work in groups rather than alone.
     Halflings tend to be suspicious of magic, although they don't have any racial taboos against using it. While not naturally magical, many halflings who study magic lean towards spells which can enhance their already nimble natures.
     If halflings have a fault, it's that they work themselves into exhaustion. It is not uncommon to find a halfling that fell asleep at his workbench wearing the same clothes he had on two days ago when he started working. As a race, halflings tend to dislike leaving anything unfinished, be it a pasture fence, a piece of clockwork for a pocket watch, or a heroic quest.

     Halfling combat consists of a combination of shooting from concealment and nimble hit-and-run tactics.  When prepared for an attack, most halfling defenders can be found firing crossbows or muskets from inside foxholes, behind rocks, or from underneath wagons.  If surprised, or without time to prepare a suitable defensive position, halflings stay constantly in motion, often taking Move or Move and Attack maneuvers, interspersed with Defensive Attacks or All-Out-Defense maneuvers, until an opening for a more dedicated attack presents itself.  Their small size and natural agility helps, and many use Acrobatic Dodges while in motion, almost teasing their attackers.

25 points
Average Height: 5' 4".
Average Weight: 165 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 13 years.
Average Lifespan: 60 years.

Attribute Adjustments: ST +1 [10].
Advantages: Claws (Blunt Claws) [3]; DR 1 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3]; Rapid Healing [5]; Resistant to Disease (+8) [8]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1]; Universal Digestion [5].
Disadvantages: Easy to Read [-10].
Features: Early Maturation [0].

     Like half-elves, the half-orcs of Ranoc have also bred true. Half-orcs are a cross-breed between humans and orcs.
     Half-orcs generally have the green, gray, and blue skin tones of the orcs, but toned down some to be closer to the pinks, tans, and browns of the humans. They have sharper teeth than humans, but lack the large fangs of the orcs. Like the orcs, they can take a lot of punishment. They heal rapidly, and are highly resistant to disease and rotten food.

     Half-orcs are quite aware of their situation. They are more intelligent than their orc ancestors, and stronger than most humans. This has led many half-orcs amongst the Northern Raider Clans to rise to positions of leadership. Contrary to popular beliefs, half-orcs are not stupid; most are as intelligent as the average human. Furthermore, their orcish heritage gives them a natural cunning.
     Half-orcs who live among the orcs tend to be stronger and fiercer than those who live among their own kind or their human kin. 

30 points 
Average Height: 5' 2".
Average Weight: 215 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 9 years.
Average Lifespan: 45 years.

Attribute Adjustments: ST +2 [20]; IQ -1 [-20].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: Will +1 [5]; Per +1 [5].
Advantages: Claws (Blunt Claws) [3]; DR 1 (Tough Skin, -40%) [3]; Fit [5]; Hard to Kill 3 [6]; Less Sleep 2 [4]; Rapid Healing [5]; Resistant to Disease (+8) [8]; Teeth (Fangs) [2]; Universal Digestion [5].
Disadvantages: Easy to Read [-10]; Short Lifespan 1 [-10].
Quirks: Bloody Mess [-1].

     Orcs are massive humanoids closely related to both humans and elves. They stand an average of five and a half feet tall, weighing over two hundred pounds on average. This weight is primarily muscle, although orcs do possess a proportionately larger bone mass than their human cousins. They possess green, gray, and blue skin tones, sharp teeth with large fangs, powerful, clawed hands, and thick, leathery skin. They are difficult to kill, healing rapidly from injuries, are highly resistant to disease, and are able to subsist on foods that would make the average human sick.
     Orcs are shorter-lived than humans. While a human will reach physical maturity around 15 years of age, orcs reach that maturity at age nine. In addition, they reach old age around 45 years of age. This accelerated lifespan enables them to require less sleep than the average human, sleeping six hours a night instead of the usual eight. 

     Orcs tend to be brutal, in and out of combat. Most have a "live fast, fight hard, play hard" mentality. In the past, they have subscribed to a "might makes right" mentality, and most still live in societies that revere strength.
     Orcs, like their human cousins, are aggressive and prolific. In many ways, they are even more aggressive and prolific than humans. They are not, however, inclined towards organization, often relying on others to provide it. 

     Orcs are prized as shock troops by nearly all the nations of the Ophari continent; Redwater being the obvious exception. They favor weapons that cause as much damage as possible in one hit. Most prize melee weapons over ranged ones. Companies of orcs in most nations are often led by a half-orc, as most orcs are better able to relate to half-orcs than they are humans.

     The "Bloody Mess" quirk is defined as follows: When you kill something, you don't just kill it; you obliterate it!  Blood and viscera fly everywhere! Anything you kill, especially those that reach -5xHP, dies in the most gruesome way possible. This gives a -1 Reaction penalty to anyone who witnesses such an act for the first time, although it might give a +1 Reaction bonus to those with tastes for such things. Note that this is distinct from the Rest In Pieces Perk (pp. 19-20 of GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks) in that the deceased may still be magically revived, but does not forbid that Perk's purchase as well.

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