Last time I gave descriptions of the classic player races used in Ranoc. Today, I give the descriptions of the classic monster races that can be player races: Centaurs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Minotaurs, Mohani (Lizardfold), and Ogres. Like the player races, I have tried to make each of them somewhat unique, differing them in significant ways from the expectations while keeping them identifiable.
37 points
Average Height: 7', (4' 6" at the horse's shoulder).
Average Length: 7'.
Average Weight: 730 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 16 years.
Average Lifespan: 80 years.
Attribute Modifiers: IQ -1 [-20].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM +1; HP +4 (Size, -10%) [8]; Basic Move +2 [10].
Advantages: Claws (Hooves) [3]; Enhanced Move (Ground) 1/2 [10]; Extra Legs (4 Legs) [5]; Lifting ST +4 (Size, -10%) [11]; Striking ST +4 (Kick Only, -60%; Size, -10%) [6].
Perks: Fur [1].
Disadvantages: Short Arms (Two Arms) [-10].
Centaurs are considered among the civilized humanoids not because of any real centaur civilization, past or present, but solely because they have been accepted as such for a long time.
The majority of the centaurs live in the plains of the Rochladastacht, although most feel no real loyalty to the nation of Rochlad. The rolling plains of the region are well-suited for the centaur's free spirited nature. They are also found in the forests that border the plains, although they rarely venture over the mountains into the Vast Expanse or the Northeast Frontier. Many are also found in the hills of the southern Teyoth region.
Centaurs are quite sociable around their own people. Despite their mass, they are reputed to have a low alcohol tolerance, and are generally crude and boorish when under the influence. They generally survive through a mixture of hunting, foraging, fishing, agriculture, and trade. While they distrust orcs and goblins, and welcome elves, they view humans with mixed emotions, and often ask them to leave the local territory when encountered.
Centaur tribes are matriarchal in nature; while the males are primarily hunters and scouts, the females lead and administer the tribes. Some scholars believe this has influenced Rochlad's culture. Males often engage in ritual combats when vying for mates.
Most centaur lairs are located near running water, and often consist of nomadic tents, huts, and lean-tos that can be broken down and moved within hours.
Centaurs take pride in being archers, preferring to use longbows. Most are also skilled with spears, lances, and broadswords. There are a few centaurs that have learned to use muskets, but they rarely use them due to the loud noise and clouds of thick black smoke created by the guns.
Centaurs rarely provoke fights, although they will finish them. Their normal response to aggression is flight, firing behind them to discourage pursuit, although one who is in a bad mood is just as likely to stand and meet the aggressor head-on or just charge forward with a braced spear. Against creatures powerful enough to threaten their tribe, half of the tribe's warriors circle around to flank the creature from behind.
5 points
Average Height: 3'.
Average Weight: 30 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 8 years.
Average Lifespan: 40 years.
Attribute Adjustments: ST -4 [-40]; DX +2 [40].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM -2; Basic Move -1 [-5].
Advantages: Acute Vision 2 [4]; Clinging [20]; Silence 3 [15]; Slippery 3 [6].
Disadvantages: Appearance (Unattractive (to other races)) [-4]; Bad Back (Mild) [-15]; Easy to Kill -2 [-4]; Short Lifespan -1 [-10]; Weak Bite [-2].
Goblins are small, weak humanoids with green skin. They are expert climbers, with microscopic claws which enable them to stick to most rough surfaces. They are also able to move without making noises, and excrete a clear substance which makes it difficult for others to hold onto them. This substance, known as 'goblin slime' among other races, also lets them move through spaces that would normally be too small for others of the same size, such as kobolds and halflings, to get through. This same slime is a valued, albeit very inexpensive, alchemical component for stealth elixirs.
Gone are the days of the goblin tribes. Goblins are the one "monster race" that has seemingly been seamlessly integrated into human society; it's not uncommon nowadays for entire neighborhoods in human cities and towns to be composed solely of goblins.
Seeing that the humans and their allies were gaining dominance in the world, the goblins decided it was better to join the humans rather than fight against them. Still, most goblins tend to live in the slums of human cities; millennia of being considered a "monster" race have left most other people with the idea that goblins are inherently inferior to most others, and the goblins as a race have yet to overcome their feelings of persecution.
Surprisingly, goblins get along well with halflings. This is in part because goblins and halflings can look each other in the eye rather than needing to look up at the other race. Another is a feeling of kinship; both are small people in a world dominated by humans.
Because goblins tend to be smaller than most others yet nimble and agile, most favor quick hit-and-run tactics. The popular literary image of the hero being swarmed by a horde of goblins working for the enemy has no basis in reality. Goblins tend to work well in groups, often using decoys and flanking tactics on their enemies.
35 points
Average Height: 5' 6".
Average Weight: 125 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 15 years.
Average Lifespan: 70 years.
Attribute Adjustments: DX +1[20].
Advantages: Chameleon 3 [15]; Silence 3 [15]; Slippery 2 [4].
Disadvantages: Appearance (Unattractive (to other races except goblins)) [-4]; Easy to Read [-10]; No Sense of Smell/Taste [-5].
Hobgoblins are humanoids who are similar to goblins in appearance, but much taller, standing closer to humans in height. They are similar to goblins in that they can move silently and excrete 'goblin slime' (see Goblins, above), although the slime of a hobgoblin is not as potent as that of a goblin. In addition, they have the natural ability to blend into their background.
Hobgoblins tend to be insular, living in their own communities rather than joining their smaller cousins in integrating with human society. This tendency towards insulation led the Great Empire of Man to give the hobgoblins their own province when it was decided to try and 'civilize' them.
The hobgoblins' natural abilities let them perform as excellent scouts, although their lack of a sense of smell leads them to misjudge many things that would be obvious to others – for example, a hobgoblin cannot distinguish between a stew over a cooking fire, an herbalist's bubbling concoction, or a washer-woman's laundry without actually observing the contents.
10 points
Average Height: 3'.
Average Weight: 42 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 8years.
Average Lifespan: 45 years.
Attribute Adjustments: ST -3 [-30].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM -2; Basic Move -1 [-5].
Advantages: Claws (Talons) [8]; DR 2 [10]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Double-Jointed [15]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1]; Vibration Sense [10].
Perks: Scales [1].
Disadvantages: Cold Blooded ("freeze up" below 50°) [-5]; Short Lifespan -1 [-10].
Small reptilian creatures that live along the northern shore of the Umojan jungles, kobolds are the one Umojan race that has had the most contact with the more civilized nations of Ophari. They are adapted to their natural habitat, being able to feel the vibrations in the air around them through their skin, as well as having exceptionally sharp noses, large claws, and powerful jaws.
Kobolds are fascinated by magic. It is not uncommon for kobold magicians to be found in southern Ophari, where the knowledge is more common. That the majority of kobolds visible to the people of Ophari, particularly the southern Teyoth region, are mages gives the false impression that almost all kobolds wield magic. This perception has been lessened since the founding of New Hope, but hasn't fully disappeared.
Their small size gives kobolds a bit of an inferiority complex when around larger folk. Hence, despite their smaller size, kobolds tend to be more ferocious and tenacious in combat. This also leads them to being overachievers among larger folk.
70 points
Average Height: 8'.
Average Weight: 1,000 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 9 years.
Average Lifespan: 60 years.
Attribute Adjustments: ST +10 (Size, -10%) [90]; IQ -2 [-40].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM +1; Basic Move +1 [5].
Advantages: Absolute Direction [5]; Claws (Hooves) [3]; DR 2 (Skull only, -70%) [3]; Discriminatory Hearing [15]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Hard to Kill 3 [6]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Longevity [2]; Regeneration (Regular: 1 HP/hr) [25]; Striker (Impaling) (Horns) [8].
Perks: Fur [1].
Disadvantages: Appearance (Ugly) [-8]; Bad Sight (Nearsighted) [-25]; Restricted Diet (Herbivore) [-10]; Semi-Upright [-5]; Short Lifespan -1 [-10]; Social Stigma (Monster) [-15].
Minotaurs are massive creatures resembling a cross between humanoids and bulls. They stand eight feet tall, and have powerful muscles. While they have human-like hands – five fingers including an opposable thumb – their feet end in digitgrade hooves. All bulls and most cows have horns on their heads which point forwards; warriors often sharpen or decorate these horns for effect. The horns also provide some armor to the skull. While they generally have poor eyesight, being naturally nearsighted, their senses of hearing and smell are superhumanly acute.
Minotaurs prefer wide open fields; many are found in Rochlad and Gor Ansat, although they are known to range as far north as Evalon. They have a largely undeserved reputation for brutality and savagery. In truth, most minotaurs are the quintessential "gentle giants". That is, until they are provoked to violence, at which point they become fierce warriors.
Many minotaurs are possessed by wanderlust early in their adult lives, and leave home for "greener pastures". During this time period, which can last from four to ten years, minotaurs travel the world, learning all they can. After this time, most minotaurs settle into a town or village, often on the outskirts of a frontier settlement, content to live life as peacefully as possible. Most minotaurs will not take mates until their wanderlust period is over. Some scholars believe that the wanderlust is part of the divine plan for minotaurs, compelling them to travel until they meet desirable mates.
Despite legends to the contrary, minotaurs are decidedly vegetarians.
A minotaur's first impulse in combat is to charge. To initiate combat, a minotaur drops to all fours and charges at full speed towards his opponent, intending to gouge said opponent with his horns. Following this, should the opponent still be able to fight, the minotaur will draw his weapon.
Minotaurs are fierce opponents. In addition to being able to withstand about twice as much punishment as an average human, they are very difficult to actually kill, and can keep fighting long after others would have fallen from their wounds.
50 points
Average Height: 8'.
Average Weight: 420 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 16 years.
Average Lifespan: 140 years.
Attribute Adjustments: ST +5 (Size, -10%) [45]; DX +1 [20]; IQ -1 [-20].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM +1.
Advantages: Claws (Sharp Claws) [5]; DR 3 [15]; Extended Lifespan 1 (×2) [2]; Infravision [10]; Nictitating Membrane 2 [2]; Teeth (Sharp Teeth) [1].
Disadvantages: Cold-Blooded ("freeze up" below 50°) [-5]; Colorblindness [-10]; Stuttering [-10]; Vow (Never Eat Plant Matter Unless Absolutely Necessary) [-5].
Common Traits: (not part of the package) Odious Personal Habit (Eats Sapients) [-15].
Mohani are large, semi-humanoid reptilians who dominate the deep forests of Umoja. They are a powerfully-built race that stands upright, with sharp claws on their hands and feet, sharp teeth, and a short vestigial tail for balance. While unable to see colors, they are able to see into the infrared spectrum, enabling them to hunt by sensing body heat, which they themselves, being reptiles, do not give off. Their skin is protected by large, bony plates, and their eyes possess nictitating membranes enabling them to see clearly underwater.
The "Stuttering" trait isn't true stuttering; instead, it represents the fact that mohani speaking anything other than languages geared towards reptilians, such as Draconic, hiss the 'S' sound, making it seem as if they're adding at least two additional 'S'es to the word.
Mohani exist alongside nature, and revere it. They tend to eschew the trappings of civilization, believing that "civilization" is another word for "detached from nature." Instead, the majority of mohani exist in small tribes that wander throughout the Umojan jungles, living as simple hunter-gatherers. Those few mohani who have settled into Shakdran and New Hope are regarded with suspicion by other mohani.
The mohani way of life includes many practices that confuse and often disgust more civilized folk. While naturally omnivorous, the majority practice a strictly carnivorous way of life, down to the idea of never wasting meat. This often includes the practices of cannibalism and devouring of enemies slain in battle.
There is some evidence that mohani practices are innate, rather than societal. Even mohani who were hatched and grew up in civilized society, such as in New Hope and Shakdran, separated from other mohani exhibit a tendency towards hunting and carnivorism.
75 points
Average Weight: 1,000 lbs.
Age of Maturity: 8 years.
Average Lifespan: 35 years.
Attribute Adjustments: ST +10 (Size, -10%) [90]; IQ -3 [-60].
Secondary Characteristic Adjustments: SM +1; Will +3 [15]; Per +3 [15].
Advantages: Acute Taste and Smell 1 [2]; DR 3 (Tough Skin, -40%) [9]; Hard to Kill 3 [6]; High Pain Threshold [10]; Lifting ST +5 (Size, -10%) [14]; Magic Resistance 3 [6]; Night Vision 9 [9]; Regeneration (Regular, 1 HP/hr) [25]; Single-Minded [5]; Super Jump 1 [10].
Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous (to other races)) [-20]; Bestial [-10]; Odious Racial Habit (May Eat Sapients) [-15]; Short Lifespan -1 [-10]; Social Stigma (Regarded As An Animal or Valuable Property) [-10]; Truthfulness (6) [-10]; Workaholic [-5].
Quirks: Alcohol Intolerance [-1].
Ogres are the largest of the common races without actually being true "giants." Ogres stand 7 to 8 feet tall and are half a ton or more of pure muscle. They aren't the smartest creatures, either, but are normally able to ascertain whether or not someone trying to cheat them.
Ogres tend to be simple in their desires: enough food to sustain them and a comfortable place to sleep is all they really ask for. Because of this, many ogres find themselves willing slaves, performing grueling menial physical labor in exchange for letting someone else take care of their needs. Many are smart enough to figure out that the shiny pieces of metal the smaller folk use can be used to obtain food and shelter. Some unscrupulous types will often try and use an ogre in criminal dealings by promising bits of shiny metals in return for performing acts of mayhem; this can backfire when the ogre is stopped and asked who paid him, and the ogre names his employer.
Despite their tremendous bulk, ogres cannot hold their liquor. Fortunately, ninety percent of ogres lean towards being sleepy drunks rather than violent.
Ogres are brutally truthful; some are just terrible liars, but most ogres are just not smart enough to know how to lie. They are simple, direct, and tell things how they see it. Ogres are often referred to as "talking animals" based on how they react. When hungry, they seek out food; when cold, they seek out warmth; when they see something they want, they generally see nothing wrong with just taking; when confronted with danger, they exhibit the 'fight or flight' trait common to most animals.
"Civilized" ogres have been trained to suppress some of these instincts. While "wild" ogres see nothing wrong with eating another humanoid, ogres who have been brought into civilization are trained to understand that they can't eat anything else that walks on two legs.
Ogres are single-minded and determined; when an ogre puts his mind to something, he won't let anything distract him from what he's doing. Slave owners often like to encourage this; some ogre slaves have been known to work themselves into exhaustion, and are rewarded by a larger meal or an extra blanket.
When faced with a dangerous situation, the ogre's typical first instinct is to lash out at the danger with his fists, and keep hitting it until it doesn't move. Ogres know they are stronger and can take more punishment than most others, so they tend to be front-line fighters.
When faced with a clearly superior opponent, such as a rampaging giant or dragon, ogres tend to flee rather than fight, fighting only if cornered. A cornered ogre often lashes out in a violent rage that surprises even them, until they get far enough past the creature or creatures that cornered them to flee.
This weekend, I'll cover the races unique to Ranoc.